Unlock the Power
of Your Data
with Privacy-Preserving Data Analysis and Machine Learning
March 13 | 9-11 AM | Teams
Join our Online Workshop on Industrial Data Privacy
The digital transformation of industry and society opens great opportunities for data analysis and machine learning. However, data is often sensitive to share between different stakeholders and between companies and customers. This prevents companies from using the data and from realizing the full potential of their data.
Privacy-preserving techniques, such as differential privacy and federated learning, can reduce privacy risks and enable more use of the data. Big tech companies, such as Microsoft, Google, and Apple, already use these methods and have a lead in the field, but any entity that collects and analyzes sensitive data can benefit from the techniques.
Building Bridges for Future Collaboration
Our goal is not just to inform but to foster meaningful collaborations. By the end of the workshop, you'll not only have a grasp of privacy-preserving methods but also the chance to work closely with us in exploring real-world use cases.
Empower Your Data, Empower Your Future!
Workshop Overview
The workshop serves as an introduction to the project SID: Secure data sharing for Industrial Digitalization. The project is a collaboration between RISE, Bron Innovation and Sensative, and is supported by Sweden´s Innovation Agency, Vinnova, within the programme Advanced digitalisation.
The goal of the SID project is to enable Swedish industry to use privacy-preserving techniques for data sharing and data analysis to a greater extent and avoid the obstacles and pitfalls that exist today.
• Welcome and introduction
– Johan Stenborg (Bron Innovation)• Secure data sharing for Industrial Digitalization
– Henrik Abrahamsson (RISE)• Differential privacy
– David Eklund (RISE)• Federated learning and privacy enhanced techniques
– Sima Sinaei (RISE)• Anomaly detection and privacy preserving techniques: A Sensative use case
–Sara Moricz (Sensative)• Object Detection in Construction Environments: Challenges, Solutions, Future Trends
– Mohammad Loni (Volvo CE)• Interactive session with discussions
Connect with like-minded professionals and potential collaborators in the field.Collaboration Opportunities
Lay the foundation for future partnerships with the SID project. We're here to support your journey into the future of data-driven privacy!Add your data privacy challenge
You have the possibility to add your own challenge in connection with registration and influence the direction of the workshop discussions. -
Basic Knowledge
Acquire a foundational understanding of privacy-preserving techniques, their utility, and typical use cases.Insights
Explore the challenges and benefits associated with implementing these methods.Strategic Thinking
Empower your company to consider the applicability of these techniques to your unique business needs.